Building credibility – Part 3

Heal with Knowledge

Part 3: How does the Bowen manoeuvre balance the body

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In health and healing,



This is a 3-Part series of (more!) free video lessons to empower you, your clinical practice, and educate your patients.

Welcome to the final Part 3! (but not the last). In this video we review the previous video presentation firstly. Then, I share more about the unique, minimal Bowen manoeuvre, to really understand fully:  “Bowen Therapy balances the body with gentle touch.”  What is it about the Bowen manoeuvre?

This video lesson will take your that bit further in understanding Bowen and its main ‘claim to fame’, with a particular focus on the Bowen ‘move’ as is called in the Bowen community. Enjoy! 

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♡ Let’s know more. 

Delve deeper with

The Biology of Bowen

An online modular, video-based course that delves into tissue mechanics, cell process, fascia and mechanobiology…to understand how/why Bowen works.

6-Module course to advance your knowledge about Bowen Therapy

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