Image of Jenny Bowen Therapist, showing Bowen massage and acupressure points of Bowen Moves on a face
Play Video about Image of Jenny Bowen Therapist, showing Bowen massage and acupressure points of Bowen Moves on a face
fascial tissue and body silhouette
Play Video about fascial tissue and body silhouette

Bowen for Bodyworkers

An introduction to Bowen Therapy | February 24 & 25 Melbourne

A 2-day introduction course to Bowen Therapy. Learn about the gentle Bowen technique in theory and in practice in a small group setting with other like-minded practitioners!

Learn to apply the Bowen moves on various regions of the body and help heal your friends, family and your patients!


The Biology of Bowen

Learn how and why Bowen works from a science-based approach through understanding the fascial system and mechanobiology.

A 6-module online course that covers various topics from the fascial system to the electric nature of fascia and Bowen to breaking down scar tissue.

Lessons are in video format with quizzes for each module. All topics are interwoven with the mechanisms of Bowen and the clinical relevance for practitioners.