Free Report | Bowen Therapy

What are The 3 Things You Must Know as a Bowen Therapist?

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To really elevate your knowledge as a Bowen Therapist, there are a few things you really must know!

Download your Free 25Page Report in PDF format + you also receive a series of free educational videos about Bowen! Watch your inbox, where each week you receive an informative and great video that will teach you more about Bowen.

With love and inspiration,


Para elevar realmente o seu conhecimento como Terapeuta Bowen, há algumas coisas que tem mesmo de saber! Descarregue o seu Relatório Gratuito de 25 páginas em formato PDF + também recebe uma série de vídeos educativos gratuitos sobre Bowen! (Lembre-se de marcar a caixa para português) Esteja atento à sua caixa de correio, onde receberá todas as semanas um vídeo informativo e fantástico que lhe ensinará mais sobre Bowen. Os vídeos terão legendas em português. Com carinho e inspiração, Jenny

Για να αυξήσετε πραγματικά τις γνώσεις σας ως Θεραπευτής Bowen, υπάρχουν μερικά πράγματα που πρέπει πραγματικά να γνωρίζετε!

Κατεβάστε τη δωρεάν 25σέλιδη Έκθεσή σας σε μορφή PDF + λαμβάνετε επίσης μια σειρά δωρεάν εκπαιδευτικών βίντεο για το Bowen!  (Θυμηθείτε να τσεκάρετε το κουτάκι για τα ελληνικά) Παρακολουθήστε τα εισερχόμενά σας, όπου κάθε εβδομάδα λαμβάνετε ένα ενημερωτικό και σπουδαίο βίντεο που θα σας διδάξει περισσότερα για το Bowen. Τα βίντεο θα έχουν υπότιτλους στα ελληνικά. Με αγάπη και έμπνευση, Τζένη

Available in English and Portuguese!

Delve deeper with

The Biology of Bowen

An online modular, video-based course that delves into tissue mechanics, cell process, fascia and mechanobiology…to understand how/why Bowen works.

6-Module course to advance your knowledge about Bowen Therapy